Jim Smith VE7FO (sk) was a professional engineer and lifelong radio amateur. He collected radio test gear and radios and, with a few exceptions, kept everything he ever acquired. In his later years he enjoyed contesting and DXing with quality equipment.
With the exception of the “older test equipment”, the items described here are believed to be in good to excellent working order but have not been lab tested.
As noted, some items are older radios and test equipment (many of which can be found on electronics museum web sites) which are of course in questionable condition but may be of interest to collectors.
Prices are believed to be at the low end of fair market value for used items and are not intended to be negotiable but if you feel we have made mistakes we will listen.
Pick-up at Jim’s home in Vancouver is preferred.
Please contact Jim’s son, Steve, by e-mail for further information at [email protected]
Steve has finally followed his dad into amateur radio and has inherited his dad’s call sign – VE7FO
Some items from the original listing have been sold to Jim’s friends in Vancouver and amateur colleagues on Vancouver Island hence the discrepancies in the numbering sequence. D is for Dunbar the Vancouver neighborhood where Jim lived and where the gear currently resides.

D6. Alpha 9500 linear amplifier – auto tuning. Serial No. 9500-09490114
New price from Alpha (RF Electronics) $8700.00 USD (roughly 12,500.00 CAD)
Purchased new by VE7FO in 2013 and in very good cosmetic condition. Sold with manual. Anecdotal evidence from amateurs who contested with VE7FO suggest that this amplifier suffered from occasional unexpected shutdowns.
On-line reviews of the Alpha 9500 confirm that the auto-tuning mechanism of this device can cause problems and needs to be adjusted. Our asking price is an “as is” price and reflects our belief that this Alpha 9500 may need adjustment.

D9. Palstar HF Auto Tuner. Serial No. 35371 to be sold with HF Auto Tuner-R Control Module Serial No. 35372. Very good condition. New price from Palstar Auto Tuner $1695.00 USD. Control Module $595.00 USD.
D11. Icom IC-25A VHF mobile transceiver. With microphone and photocopied manual. In working order. Older with some scratching.
D12. Tektronics 2205 20MHz Oscilloscope. With probe. Older test gear.

D14. Hewlett-Packard Oscilloscope Model 1220A. Older test gear. Standard power cord missing. No probes.
D16. Pakrat 232 Digital Interface. Advanced Electronics Applications. RS 232 I/O Serial No. 20592
D17. Pakrat 232 Digital Interface. Advanced Electronic Applications. RS 232 I/O Serial No. M04612
D18. Yaesu External Speaker SP-8. Serial No. 01043 built-in audio filters. In like new condition.
D21. RCA “Senior Volt Ohmist” Meter. Classic.
D23. (book) Low Band DXing by John Devoldere ON4UN
D24. Stark Signal Generator Model LSG-10A Serial No. 2502

D26. 5 x DX Engineering TT3G50 (stud mount) Surge Protector. New in plastic wrap – never opened.
5 x $50.00 = $250.00 CAD

D28. Hammarlund HX-FIFTY-A Receiver S/N 31742242 of interest to collectors and those interested in re-conditioning classic radios. Good cosmetic condition but not in working order.

D29. Hammarlund HQ-180A Receiver S/N 30748123 of interest to collectors and those interested in re-conditioning classic radios. Good cosmetic condition but not in working order.

D30. Model 303 Broadband Mixer Communications Monitor – CUSHMAN CE-5 – S/N 1607. Older test equipment.
D33. Stark Sweep Marker Generator. S/N 7609. Older test equipment